Friday, April 04, 2003

I just fumigated my room. I saw a cockroach crawling into it, so I grabbed a can of insect spray (at least I *hope* it was insect spray) and blindly smogged my entire room, slammed the door and ran as far away as I could. Which leads to my sitting in front of my comp, half awake and wondering how long it takes half a litre of insect spray to kill one cockroach? Makes me think of that light bulb question... which makes me think of that Singapore JC light bulb question (How many Rafflesians does it take to change a light bulb? 4 faculties) which makes me think about thinking.
I don't really think much perse. Sometime after form 5, I let my brain become idle, and then the water seeped in which helped increase the rate of rusting which in turn caused the screws to disintegrate and fall out... and after awhile I just stopped thinking deeply about things. Just didn't care. If things don't affect me why should I waste brain cells on it? But that's only a one way ticket to dumb blonde-ville!
But lets say, hypothetically speaking, I was thinking about how to decorate a flower basket... now that's something I could spend hours thinking about... and after a week I would have come up with 1000 ways to decorate said basket! Give me something creative to brain storm about and my brain works at a trillion to the power of a billion GHz! But that only makes me think how shallow a person I am.
I don't think about world hunger, or potical controversies or even what makes people tick. And then when an emotional problem blows up in my face and I *have* to think about it I wonder that I never thought about it before and could have prevented the whole mess in the first place... either that or I just get confused and sob till someone else gives in. Not the best of answers but it does provide temporary relief.
I have a strange strange mind... I'm not sure I even understand it anymore...

Only I know why I feel spring
Only I can hear sparrows' songs
Only my mind knows the light of day
Only I know I've seen dawn

Mad ramblings. Sometimes I write things that... just.... rhyme? and sound nice?