Wednesday, April 02, 2003

I have a baby brother
He is 17
But he's still my baby brother, who recently got angry at me over our shared bathroom and hid my toothbrush. Knowing he was up to one of his childish pranks when I couldn't find my toothbrush, I just used his. For a week. Until I found my toothbrush carefully hidden behind the shampoo bottles.
This isn't the first time. A few years ago he got made at me for hogging the Internet one night so he stormed into his room and didn't come out. I unwittingly went to sleep at 11 p.m. At 12 midnight my alarm clock rang. Thinking I'd set it by mistake I shut it off and went back to sleep. At 1a.m. the alarm on my swatch watch went off. Now, I couldn't be that much of an idiot of set 2 alarms at such unholy hours. But what the heck, shut off watch alarm, yawn, go back to sleep. At 2 a.m. I awoke to the sounds of a train whistle and a chug-a-chug-a-chug thundering in my room. Since when did dreams become so visual? I searched high and low for the source of this phantom train and finally pulled out my brother's christmas present from under my bed : an alarm clock in the shape of a train crossing light! No prizes for guessing who had planted it there.
But that's my baby brother for you. Never underestimate the mischieviousnous of a baby brother. Especially when ONE of your koala bear slippers goes missing... and you find it sitting on the roof tiles outside your window ledge... as my baby sister would tell you

The night before History Exam

Twilight lingers, fingering the tree tops
Sleep beckons me
As I shiver in the cold
Thought playing catch in my mind
Making no sense
Darkness draws my eyelids
But the tinge of coffee on my tongue
Brings consciousness around again
I am alone
With only paper
And dates
Blackmailed into arranging
Confusion into order
Before I dig my own grave
And sink deeper into it
With each question unanswered


I had so much fun writing this. Because it meant a few minutes of escape from dates and names. History was my most dreaded subject. It's such a torture to study! Explains why it was the first subject dropped from my list after SPM