Wednesday, April 16, 2003

I feel terribly ashamed complaining about my family's income. I just read in the papers today that the average Iraqi family has an income of $3 US a month. That's 12 ringgit a month. That's not even as much as the price of my new sandals! Shame on me!
In other news... (oops, that sort of caught on from reading Grace's blog)... today in French class one of the Ah Lians wore a baby tee with a picture of the Virgin Mary on it. Unless this is in preparation for Easter, and I have my doubts that she (the Ah Lian) is a Catholic, I do not think the Blessed Mother should be worn as a fashion accessory! I was very tempted to ask if she was Catholic but a little voice in my head said "stop being a holier than thou idiot! you who's faith has been as fragile as a candle in a blizzard for the last 2 years!".

Tomorrow's Dreams

I saddle my horse
To ride away with the wind
Into the uncertain horizon
Of my future
I'm leaving behind
Girlhood's frivolous nature
Letting fate tempt me
Into choosing my path
Where there's no return
And I shed a tear as the gates
To my youth
Close on me
Packing my dreams into a box
Labelled reality
The winds have changed
And I stand beside the ghost of my past
As nostalgia whispers
Forgotten prose in my ear
I am now my own master
I have grown up

I love this poem. Jewel inspired. It was the very first time reality pounced viciously on me and I woke up knowing I had to grow up. I wrote it sometime towards the end of Form 5. But the funny thing was I don't think I did grow up in junior college. If anything, RJ and Odac kept me younger longer. And even though I gave up all my girlishness while I was in Singapore, its come back to me with a vengeance. Explains the pinks and purples, the patient skin care routine, the lipstick in my handbag, the many many new pairs of shoes. Sigh...