Wednesday, February 25, 2004

too busy too busy too busy
lecture after lecture
tutorial after tutorial
zzzzzzzzzzzzz through it all
with just a brief pause for a quick bite of breakfast? lunch? brunch?
labs labs laborious labs
lecture tutorial lectorials
bag dinner and run
dance dance dance
point kick flick
arabesque pirrouette chasaise
(not sure if pain is worth it)
walk home
cold cold cold
stacks and stacks
piles and piles of homework
come on, just pick up that pen
curse Laplace and Fourier
math not the right thing to attempt after midnight
msn chat blinks on promptly at midnight
Lionel complaining about studying or being hungry
Amar complaining he is bored
Lim complaining about Communications
Me complaining for the sake of complaining
program program program
debug debug debug
close laptop and try to get 6 hours of sleep
with luck maybe tomorrow will be different...