Friday, February 20, 2004

Buy Imperial College Malaysian Night Tickets!!!
I'm supposed to be promoting Malaysian Night. But I'm not going to drag anyone kicking and screaming to it. I believe you'll do it out of your own intuition.
6th March 2004, Saturday
Besides I so do not wish to see faces I know in the audience when I publicly humiliate myself in 3 dances (all of which you cannot miss me in, even if you sat right at the back and your glasses fogged up... I'll be the one who's a step behind everybody else and occasionally tripping and falling).
Sold out event 2 years in a row! So get your tickets early!
So there will be no blatant advertising. No begging you to come and throw tomatoes at me. No coaxing you forcefully to buy a ticket so you can see me say 2 lines in the play. Nope, none of that. None at all...

You're the best, girl! haha... sorry, from where I am it still seemed like the 19th of Feb when I made this blog entry... and NO, I didn't forget! Do I ever???