Monday, February 16, 2004

And this would be the one where Charlotte had an excellant night playing barmaid at the Linstead bar and ended it by being part of Amar's legion of bodyguards.

Bartending is pretty easy and fun, especially if it's not too busy a night with just a steady flow of 2 or 3 people ordering drinks every 15 minutes. No absurd orders tonight (if I disregard the three double JD cokes I made for Phil Loh who was in depression... third time round he didn't even need to ask, I automatically grabbed a glass, poured 2 shots of Jack Daniels, popped in some ice and handed it to Phil with the Coke bottle).

We're playing the Bond Game in Linstead now. So everyone's afraid... nah paranoid... about walking around halls alone. However tonight's assasination attempt on Amar will go down in the annals of Linstead history. Imagine 5 tall beefy ang mohs waiting to pounce on Amar and drag him off for Rowan to kill. Then imagine Amar hiding within a circle of 10 rather small sized Malaysians and Singaporeans (more than half of us girls) while Lionel calls Darren on his handphone for back-up in true ah-beng tai-kor style and Jaq runs off to get her fencing saber while Amar gets Aaron to bring down his pen knife for him. The Ang Mohs not wanting any blood shed start to circle around us like hungry sharks but not daring to approach us... because maybe it's taken 4 months for them to wake up and realise they can't bully us into submission and we won't go down without a fight. Darren arrives with Zi Ming in tow... NS guys to the rescue (Darren's all ready for a fight... "my hand very itchy wei!"). Operation Relocate Amar proceeds with great care... 12 people escorting Amar to his room (and to the toilet as well so he won't have to come out of his room in the middle of the night without any bodyguards). We only leave when we're sure Amar is safe and sound in his room and we've made sure he knows he owes us! Big time!