Saturday, March 15, 2003

I just answered 5 questions in some silly quiz and this is the result
You're Sensitive and you'd like to stay that way..
-Sensitive- You're Sensitive, and you'd like to
stay that way. Sorry,listened to a bit too much
Jewel there. You're sweet and very emotionally
charged. You definitely love the person you're
with, and always want to know how they're
feeling so you can make sure they're happy.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

How do they know all that from 5 questions?? That's so cheap skate. And besides as Greg will freely tell you, I'm so insensitive that if I saw someone clutching his heart and collapsing right beside me I'd tell him he should take less caffeine in the morning

I'm not ready for this life
I'm running a marathon to catch up
The world whizzes by too fast
It's left me in the dust
It's dripping down a leaky faucet
Like grains of sand slipping from my hand
It's quick silver flashing by
And the moment's gone before I
Can get a grip of myself
Can pick myself off the ground
Can continue the race
Can turn myself around

I like this one... and despite myself, I'm still not ready for life