Saturday, May 17, 2003

I just indentified a whole bunch of grammatical mistakes in my last blog. *tears at hair* THIS is precisely what happens when you become a full time science student in Singapore! Warning to any future ASEAN scholars: Do not attempt to communicate with the locals... it could be hazardous to your own speech! You start to speak in a droning tone and freely punctuate your sentences with 'liao', 'wahlau' and smatterings of hokkien and mandarin words (most common are 'chio bu', 'yan dao', 'dao', 'tiao')

Why do I have this feeling that blogger has censored my last blog? Did I miss something in the small print?

Last night I saw an aura around the moon... well it looked like that, a faint ring of light around the full moon. Not really sure what it meant, so I asked xiaokai, grace and sachpal to check the moon. No one came back with the same view of the moon. Hmm...

All I know is that I’m here
Living out a million other’s dreams
Yet I’m facing rock bottom
And I can’t even see the top
Let alone reach it