Wednesday, May 07, 2003

And the storm clouds roll nearer...

Everyone seems to be in a depressed mood lately. (When I say everyone I'm actually making a reference to my Singaporean and ASEAN friends... so sorry if I left you out). It's that season where you realise that :
a) You've made it into the University of your dreams and you have the grades to go... BUT there's this BIG problem about obtaining enough funds and scholarships and grants won't even give you a glance
b) You've made it into the University of your dreams but you're grades which were slightly off the mark just meant you missed the boat and you'll have take up your second choice in a course you don't want to do
c) You didn't make it into the University of your dreams, nor the course that you wanted... what the hell were they telling you when you were 10 years old and that you should always follow your dreams?
d) You just don't know where you are going right now... everything is bent on making your agony last longer as you hang in limbo...
It's a very very depressing season for us... (warning!!! the following is going to sound very arrogant)
We are the top scholars in our respective countries. We've studied in the top colleges in Singapore. And we aren't just brilliant at studying... we represent our colleges in stuff ranging from dance to electronics and olympiads... AND we've worked our asses off for those sparkling grades!
But... then we have just been cruelly brought back down to earth and realise that, hey! no one gets anywhere in this world without cash in the bank. Sigh...
And I'm feeling incredibly guilty for getting into the university of my dreams (2 of them in fact!), with less than sparkling grades and on a Goverment scholarship/loan at that...

Charm, Sherene, Venki, Baa, Hooi Ying, Yi Lin, Maggie... I'm praying for you guys...