Saturday, July 23, 2005

Thing's fall apart, the centre cannot hold...

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world?

Yeats had better not be right, because this is scary!

The man pumped with 5 bullets at Stockwell station yesterday, had nothing to do with the bombs! He was innocent. We'll maybe not that innocent to be running away from police. A petty thief maybe? A pai kia? A Brazillian who didn't understand why the Met Police were chasing at his heels?

When even the Met Police are shaken and now shoot to kill at the slightest instigation, how much more reassured can we civillians be? How much longer can we stay the courageous, resolute Londoners the world has been praising? Are the cracks starting to show through?

No where on earth is safe.
Today we look at Egypt and say Deus vobiscum
For always we think of those who cause it and we say Deus Misereatur

And yet today, much to my mother's horror, we were out wandering idyllically along Knightsbridge, shopping at Harrods and Harvey Nicholls and even paying the dinosaur exhibit a visit at Natural History, just because I wanted to say hi to the new (and slightly improved) T-Rex. Youth knows no fear!
It's what my mother would say.