Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Icey cold summer mornings!

It's 13 degrees!!! Autumn just can't wait to get here, can it? Of all the mornings I choose to see my professor. I just want to hide under the duvets and not worry about voiced and unvoiced speech signals! I'm shivering as it is - bum on a cold, cold chair, braving the chill in my shorts to write this post.

Lionel says my last post was very bhb, and engineers are not in the least modest! That's what you get for loving a little gossip queen like me. I tell all with unabashed abandon.
[But I am extremely greatful to the good Lord above for this mercy (which isn't 'small' as Khim Nyang, reminded me). My mother sent me an sms to 'order' me to be thankful, and I am. When I really think about it, all those study groups I skipped to do mundane M-nite stuff, like cutting tickets, or those mornings where I couldn't wake up for lectures after spending late nights working on the script or poster designs, and all my courseworks which got abysmal grades because I put them way way way down on my priority list, with Mnite being right on top... I was praying for no more than a 2-1. But Cheng Chun's right, I wouldn't have had it any other way. I only get to be M-nite scriptwriter and over all 'little miss bossy' once in my life!]

So to offset yesterday's post, here's the proof you've all been waiting for. That I'm really a geek! (I know Andy might read this, but... I promise to never reproduce any conversation that puts you on my bad ISE list!)

Me: and why am i even looking at the courses! i've got another 2 months of summer to waste and i'm thinking about next academic year???
Andy: we're so bad!
Me: we're geeks!
Andy: as if we needed anymore proof!
Me: taking ISE is pretty solid proof already...
Andy: at Imperial no less!
Me: lol, we're all destined to be geeks
Andy: maybe i can escape geekdom by renouncing star wars, deleting my compiler, giving up caffeine and getting a girlfriend.
Me: now..really...
Me: HOW can u give up caffeine???

Doesn't look like the weather is going to get any warmer. I want to go home to perpetual summer! I'm not very sure what my summer plans back home are like yet, but I know I have to:
1. Go to Penang and eat everything there
2. Spend a day with Charme doing absolutely nothing and lazing around in my room, or her room, or some room (this actually sounds dodgy, especially after I told CL to ignore my saphist tendencies) and pass her winter wear.
3. Go down to Singapore to see my brother, Odacians (the ones who are left), Sherene, Baa, Venki, and yeah, you. I promise not to send faulty emails this time.
4. Spend a few hours a week getting insulted (no that's too mild, getting my ego torn to shreds), by the BBians and Sugi.
5. Eat everything in KL.
6. Buy new jeans! The ones I have keep falling down! Lionel can bear witness to it.
7. Find old friends, and meet up! (That's a new one, you know how unbearable old-school gatherings are for me)
8. Get together with the MSoc people (you wouldn't believe that the last time I saw any of them was possibly before Easter holidays in April! and we're in the same college!!!) for MURNIs, for Tao's sake.
9. And just do everything I want to do, because I'm not coming back for Christmas this year.

Waiting for the temperature to rise before I scurry to the bathroom!