Tuesday, January 13, 2004

My sleep cycle is totally wrecked. My sleep diary over the last 2 days would go something like this:

8:00am - Wake up, all bright and cheery, find out I've no breakfast, not so bright and cheery, go to Church, go to Sainsbury's, go back to Linstead, get started on ARM coding, go me! *yawn* feeling sleepy
1:00pm - Think I'll take a short snooze
2:00pm - Aaahh... That was just what I needed- ooh Val's sent me a URL... some words pop up on my screen, try to blink the sleep out of my eyes, a part-time exorcist actor look alike pops up on my scream accompanied by bloodcurdling scream!!! AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Shut all windows, jump back into bed, pull covers over head.
2:30pm - Still shaking, damn you Val!, but hungry. Obviously cannot stay in bed like this all day. Carefully extract myself from bed and check for ghostly ghouly images on laptop. Phew... all gone. Make some soup and garlic bread. Think I'll do my ARM coding while eating lunch. *knock knock* Ruba wants to know if she can use my mirror. Will just chat with Ruba for awhile since haven't seen her in a long time... since yesterday
4:30pm - Starting to feel light headed, but Ruba is still talking. Not very sure what she's been saying over the last half hour really. Excuse myself as feel like a nap is much needed
5:30pm - Rich knocks on my door. "Need help with the ARM coding?" "Hrrm? No... sleeping... go away"
6:00pm - Salman knocks on my door "Helooo?" "Bffwhat??" "Lazy pig..." "Snore..."
6:30pm - Wake up and see msn message blinking. Lionel : wakey wakey! Restrain impulse to say 'damn you!'. Good thing did not say 'damn you!' as Lionel seems to be only unselfish person in the whole hall who has not already cooked and eaten dinner without me (of course this is besides the fact that Lionel cannot cook!!). Manage to concoct some dinner from my spaghetti and pasta sauce and Lionel's suspicious looking mushrooms (display date was 9 days ago!) and French cheese.
9:00pm - Mmm... dinner not too bad. Tummy very satisfied. *yawn* bed looks very inviting. Oh well... cannot possibly code if sleepy.
11:00pm - Wtf? Tumble out of bed for 3rd? 4th? time today. Look despairingly at code. Lionel says: You were sleeping rite? *sheepishly* yeah... Lionel says triumphantly: I knew it!!! , complain to Amar about Lionel's expiring mushrooms giving me nightmares.
2:00am - Haven't felt this wide awake in awhile. But must get some sleep... early morning classes...
2:30am - Toss and turn in bed. Who ever thought trying to go to sleep would be this difficult?
8:00am - Spring out of bed, make some toast and eggs and head off for first lecture
4:00pm - I can't believe I didn't fall asleep in a single class today! It's a miracle! *yawn* think nap is in order
6:00pm - Ruby and Cheryl knock on my door. "I'm sleeping!!!". "But it's dinner time Char!". "WTF???? already??"
8:00pm - Dinner seemed abit hazy. ARM code looks hazy. Bed is the only thing not hazy.
11:00pm - Why's everything so dark? Look at clock. Curse! Swear! Jump out of bed and attempt to code in frenzy. Lionel smirks: You were sleeping again rite?. Where can I find friends who won't find me so predictable?
2:00am - Half of code is working! Yay! But need to stop sleeping like this! Oh what the heck. Maybe just until the end of this week...