Saturday, January 10, 2004

How many people can say they've celebrated their 21st birthday for 32 hours?
I think I qualify.

From 12am Malaysian time till 12am London time I have been celebrating the legalisation of my adulthood (although 13 hours were spent on a plane, enduring a very bumpy ride... heck, who am I kidding? I kinda like turbulences! It's like a super long theme park ride). ]

And so, I'm 21. Everyone's been reminding me that I'm legal to do so many things... of which the only one I'm looking forward to is voting and not losing the chance to be tried in a juvenile court.

I also love the immunity my birthday gives me... like not having to do the washing up...and the indulgent nature it brings out in people... like being offered 5g of Berthoud Cheese because I asked nicely... and the sudden surprises it springs on me... like the fire alarm going of 3 times in 1 hour shortly after my return.

It's been a great 21st. Thank you everybody!!!