Monday, November 13, 2006

The ultimate procrastinator

Although it's almost pointless to compete with Xiaokai for the title of 'Best procrastinator in the Universe', I am still somewhere at the top of the league. (Xiaokai thinks just being the best procrastinator in my course lacks ambition, but not that I ever really care what Xiaokai thinks).

So, there's an accounting exam on Wednesday. I've just spent the whole day doing close to nothing in college and then proceeded to spend the two hours before dinner skimming through old photos. Then after dinner, by a spur of inspiration I picked up my accounting text book and a calculator, dumped it on my bed... and proceeded to blog surf, followed by facebook stalking, followed by several spam emails to my accounting project group (I cannot believe they made me group leader just so they can extort cheesecake from me!) followed by a bath to refresh my mind and get me into a studying mood, followed by "ooh! new podcast on Mr. Brown", followed by Ebay surfing...

and all of a sudden it's nearly midnight. And somewhere across the atlantic, Lionel is shaking his head because he knows I need to be checked on almost every 20 minutes just to be sure I'm not doing something that's a waste of time. Like blogging.
