Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Non-halal turkeys for Christmas this year? Lucky chickens...

I was reading Jeff Ooi's post and the Bernama article on non-halal turkeys being imported for Christmas this year, while sipping my morning cappucino (chilled, mind you) and giggling to myself.

While I think it's wonderful that Jakim is being very considerate to allow the import of more turkey for Christmas and New Year (macam inilah masyarakat muhibbah!), my mother never buys turkey but orders a very fat chicken from the local wet market (cheaper, ok?) and serves it roasted - stuffings, chestnuts, cranberry sauce et al. I don't know whether the chicken is halal or not lah, but it's juicier than dry turkey!

There's one chicken who didn't get a lucky Christmas break.