Friday, February 03, 2006

A healthy start...

Breakfast, being the most important meal of the day, also happens to be the meal I miss most often here. When you're running a tight schedule and have a habit of waking up just 15 minutes before you're supposed to leave the house, it's hard to fit in even a glass of milk. These days I tend to grab whatever's lying on the kitchen counter (youghurt bars, pastries, biscuits, plastic coasters) and eat it hurriedly on the way to uni.

Back home, Malaysian breakfasts are a big deal! No school day ever starts without a big warm mug of Milo (which I will defend with my life over hot chocolate any day!). And breakfast is never too small an occasion for a big sizzling plate of KL Hokkien Mee (yummy stir fried egg noodles which are so bad for your arteries but taste soooo good!) or a huge spicy bowl of laksa, although on those rare days when my mother can't be bothered about our breakfasts - its usually scrambled eggs and toast or worse - Bovril on toast! Till now I don't really get Bovril. I'm suspicious of anything I can't classify as animal, vegetable or mineral.

Anyway, fast forward to cold, clammy and pasty white England... I've had the good fortune this term of having all my classes squashed into a painfully long Tuesday, and the rest of the week just doesn't seem to matter. And for some odd reason I've been waking up between 8 and 9 every morning. Which *gasp* leaves me time to make myself breakfast (even if it looks as though my cereal [pic right] has more fruit than actual flakes). Of course it's always nicer when someone else makes breakfast for me, but he can't be bothered to these days (damn those 9am lectures!).