Tuesday, December 02, 2003

The What Are You Doing Now Quiz

1. What are you doing now?
Eating my lunch of instant chicken and mushroom pasta, studying Computer Architecture and ponteng-ing Software Engineering Lecture. Cheryl's friend John says that instant pasta is advance student cooking.... but anything is advanced student cooking compared to Cheryl's ham and butter sandwiches.

2. How are you feeling now?
Flu-ey. Great big vacuum in my head is sucking out everything I've been trying to put in which includes multiple load registers, memory organisation, sequential devices and my 9 lines for the Maskerade play.

3. What's on your mind right now?
Multiple load registers, memory organisation, sequential devices and my 9 lines for the Maskerade play.

4. Are you hungry?
Can you be hungry while eating lunch? Because I was definitely hungry before. And I won't be full until I finish this entire bowl of pasta... but what's in between?

5. Where are you right now?
Room B12, otherwise known as the sleeping and eating quarters of Charlotte who never answers her phone.

6. Anyone around you right now?
*shiver* I hope not... because there shouldn't be. Kristina is currently attending lectures *snigger*

7. Who are you thinking of right now?
No one in particular. You see, I regularly put alarm reminders into my phone to remind me to actually "THINK!" once in awhile

8. Last tv show you watched?
Scrubs Season 2 episode 8 (I'm so sad I actually remember which episodes I've watched and what songs were played in them... Season1Episode4 - Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah (Rufus Wainwright version) is still my favourite!)

9. Last meal you had?
Now that I've eaten the last bits of my pasta I can confidently say: Chicken and Mushroom Pasta!!!

10. Ok. Admit it, what were you doing before you where bored enough to do this quiz?
Eating my Chicken and Mushroom Pasta. Before that? Cooking my Chicken and Mushroom Pasta. Before that? Wondering if I should eat Chicken and Mushroom Pasta packet 1, which I had to as the other choice was...erm, Chicken and Mushroom Pasta packet 2.

11. What are you doing tomorrow?
Opening my Christmas Present!!! (Code names disillusional EEE students give Christmas tests... sigh). Performing Maskerade for a real and critical audience for the first time.

12. What were you doing yesterday?
Ponteng-ing classes, mucking about while Dr. Cozens again got confused on a phasor question but this time corrected himself before we could correct him (damn! such a spoilsport!), advertising Maskerade with the hideous Maskerade T-Shirt I bought for 6 pounds and which is now the butt of many jokes, mugging or trying to mug, conked myself out with some paracetamol lem-sip to cure my cough. I don't think the effects have worn out yet...

13. How much money do you have in your wallet?
I'm not telling you!! You might rob me of my 18 pounds!!!

14. Last song you heard?
Something Beautiful - Jars of Clay... I'm listening to my Religious playlist in the hopes of redemption...

15. Where did you hear the song from?
I didn't hear it from anywhere. I only wanted to borrow a few CDs from Lionel but he ended up shoving approximately 15 CDs into my hands, which included this song.

16. What are you wearing right now? How do you look?
Jeans and white zipped jumper. How do I look? With my eyes I assume...

17. What are you doing one week from now?
Next tuesday? Attending lectures to make my conscience feel better about skipping so many this week

18. Are you feeling happy?
It's not easy to feel happy with a cold blocking out half your senses.

19. Are you feeling warm/cold right now?
Warm! I'm a happy bunny! I'm full of pasta!

20. If walks in right now and sees you, what would he/she do?
Probably look right through me. Since when has anyone cute ever paid attention to me? Only curly haired... nevermind...