Monday, August 11, 2003

Talk about failed objectives. Yesterday I made a resolution to walk into Mid Valley and come out with a pair of jeans.
Yesterday I walked into Mid Valley, got stuck in the lingerie section of Jaya Jusco for half an hour, browsed through Lewre shoes, raided entire Metro Jaya (which in my opinion is the best place to get some peaceful yet extensive shopping done), made a quick dash into Quicksilver, detoured to Salabianca, MNG and finally Urban & Co. (the clothes on sale were the same ones on sale 2 months ago, ditto for Sommerset Bay... so what's the deal about the Mega Sales? Is it some goverment herd-mentality experiment scheme?).
Came home sans jeans.
Am now considering losing some fat before even thinking of buying jeans!

At the rate Motorola is making me fast-walk around the plant, I might lose that fat sooner than I think! This morning alone I must have walked a total of 3km while searching for an operator who was searching for me. In this age of modern telecommunication, you can't imagine how difficult it is to contact someone who's in the same building as you!