Monday, January 08, 2007

6 degrees of winter

I've just watched the morning sky change from velvet hues to a cloudy light grey (you know, #333333 in html) as the construction workers begin their morning ritual of assembling Southside hall. The building works don't look as if they'll end anytime during my stay here in Linstead, so I've already developed an immunity to the cranking of the drills and trucks and loud, brash workers.

It's supposed to be 6 degrees out there. I don't think so, it feels pretty warm in here. Maybe it's just me because my brother says he's shivering on the cold hard floor. Lionel on the other hand will probably say its still raining buckets in Singapore, so don't complain.

In other words. I'm back in London. And not so ready to begin another term of late nights, overdue assignments and procrastination.

Keep an eye on this blog. I have stories to tell.