Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I so need to get some things done:

1. Finish lab oral presentation on transistor switching and timing (transistor what??)
2. Change pounds to euros and swiss francs
3. Write Michelle's birthday card and remember to put STAMPS on before posting!
4. Get backpack from Zeus and start packing
5. Get sleeping bag from Rich and... no, not start sleeping!
6. Read up the Handel C programs on mouse movement (input device, not lab rats!)
7. Do laundry!!! Or else will have nothing to wear in Vienna, Switzerland or Germany
8. Return library books
9. Buy real gloves! Not the pink fluff I normally wear
10. Write election speech. "Why do I want to be secretary? Because I'm an organisational freak..."

Inertia is on high. Need to reduce mass.


p/s: Barisan National rocks! Go Pak Lah!