Tuesday, August 16, 2005

On the virtue of selfishness and the incredulousness of it all!

So, this is the sixth and last week of our stay in 'the house that isn't ours'. It's been all so nice of Raymond and Shu Hui to make our stay as comfortable as they possibly can. It hasn't been so nice for us to have to foot half the rent of 'the house that isn't ours' for all 3 months of summer (and such a shock it was to discover it).

This has nothing to do with the members of 'the house that isn't ours' who have been trying their best to lessen our part of the payment by trying to find others to stay over summer (i.e. the above two). That leaves less people to speculate about, doesn't it?

This is infact an incredulous story of immense selfishness and scrooge-like miserliness, far greater than any I have heard before. Perhaps it is only right that we pay for their rent such that they are able to store their own things over summer for free. Perhaps it is only right that they take up a whole room to store their things such that Raymond and Shu Hui were forced to forgo an extra tenant whose share in the rent could have lightened the load. Perhaps it was only fair that they who are storing for free did nothing to ensure that there would be tenants over summer, but left the burden to their housemates who were staying for summer. Perhaps it is perfectly fine for them to now use the petty excuse "but that's what you said" to refuse our request for them to chip in 50 pounds each and instead accuse their housemates of going back on their word to let them store for free.

Self interest has become such an ugly word.