Friday, August 12, 2005

I'm snowed in!

Wish it were half that exciting. I'm just locked in.

I took an hour getting dressed this morning, and when I was finally satisfied that I looked good enough to walk out of the door to college (and it was still early, mind you!) I could not find my keys! I searched everywhere. My table, Lionel's table, under the tables, under the beds, under my laptop, all my handbags... so when I'd finally pronounced my keys lost, I called Lionel.

"Did you take two sets of keys with you?"
"Why would I have two sets of keys?"
"Well you took my keys yesterday when you took the trash out, do you remember where you put it?"
"I really have only one set of keys with me. I'd know if I had two. Look carefully, you'll probably find it"

Fine! Can't argue with boyfriends who always think they know best, or do so because you allow them to think so.

I searched every visible inch of the flat again, and finally gave up. In immense self pity, I cooked myself an enormous lunch of 10 expired sausages and 4 grilled mushrooms and cheese. To cheer myself up I put tomatoes in two of the mushrooms. Useless info of the day. I'll put up photos of my little creation when I feel... motivated.

And while I was dicing tomatoes in my pretty red sparkly top which will not see the light of day today, Lionel called.

"Helloooo...?" he said, testily.
"HMmph" was my reply.
"I found the other set of keys. They were in my bag."

Oh well, all's forgiven.

I think I'll cook a tomato dish for dinner. Lionel abhors tomatoes.