Wednesday, August 24, 2005

On the sunny island Singapore...

So now that Amar has completely chickened out of the trip down to Singapore to say farewell to mao mao, guess it'll be the usual quiet bus ride without the excessive blabbering fanfare. I think I'll still have to hear the blabbering fanfare when I get back, but yeah, a few days without it would be even better. When are we starting the gay gym buddy thing, Amar? Chien Liq's got dips on becoming my gay gym buddy otherwise.

I'm not doing anything to help Amar. Perhaps I should?


It just takes three days at home, just THREE, to realise that I am talking like my mother. It's the phrases, the diction, the 'holier than thou' way of talking. I love my parents, but the sickeningly unique individual inside of me is saying: "Go out and be your own person and not the porcelain model your mother carved out of you"

(Fidel, all this individualistic quirkiness must have rubbed off from you!)

And if I haven't said it before, I'll say it again. The plans for the upcoming Fresher's Camp look great! I couldn't be prouder of you guys. All the more I can't wait to meet up with my batch. To think that the last time we possibly sat down and had a good laugh together wasn't since the cast and crew dinner. Five months! The many ridiculous things that could have happened since then that we haven't had a chance to laugh over!

Last but not least, Singapore itinerary goes somewhere along the lines of:
1) Lunch with my brother to go through his incredibly long personal statement. CT Rep? CCA camp leader? Research work? Somehow he didn't think they were important enough to tell me about.
2) Say bye bye to mao mao
3) Meet the tchbs bunch (we were *this* close to not making it weren't we)
4) Meet odacians!!!
5) Visit my guardian
6) oh yes, see Nicole!
will add more to the list when I'm actually there...