Thursday, September 01, 2005

If it makes me the bigger person, why not?

This was my e-mail to Nadia on 29 September 2005 (sent to If a personal e-mail really isn't sincere enough, well here it is again. It was the decent thing to do. Although I believe on the part of the offended, the decent thing to do in return would at least have been to reply my email or show some form of acknowledgement by leaving me alone. But if this is what it takes to be the bigger person:

From: Yeow, Charlotte S C Sent: Mon 29/08/2005 18:41

Dear Nadia,

I really think this would be better talking to you in person or over the phone, but that's quite difficult being all the way in Singapore.

However, I don't want to put this off any longer and I feel that I do owe you an apology and for your sake and the sake of your friends I need to explain myself and the post I wrote.

I agree that it was wrong of me to publish that particular msn conversation to a public audience. I overlooked the fact that you had been mentioned and to be honest the post was originally meant to ridicule Amar. Posting offensive comments about you without any self censorship was a terrible oversight, and for that I am really sorry.

I did not intend to be malicious when I said the things I said. After all it was a real life personal conversation that I had with Amar and it is only natural being friends that from time to time I'd condemn his past relationship to make him feel better. Its no different from telling my own girlfriends that their ex-es are evil scumbags even if in truth they were philanthropist adonis-like demigods. I have no doubt that your own friends criticise Amar to bits (and Amar and his quirks and mannerisms are undoubtedly prone to severe criticism), and I'd have to say I was doing the same. Being a friend, however thoughtless it was.

I have, since last Wednesday, modified the post such that it should no longer be offensive. I would however like to keep it published because even after censorship the main content still remains and since that is the reason I published it, I would like to keep it there as my usual audience thought it nothing more than a hilarious dialogue. They of course do not know who you are and believed you might have been as much a figment of Amar's imagination as his harem girls are.

That is all I can say in my defence. And I felt that I had to say something before your own friends embarass themselves and to stop my own friends from retaliating. I have no wish to be involved in anything between you and Amar, beside knocking some sense into his head from time to time. The both of you are too much alike and there is no use pitting fire against fire. Whatever Amar wishes to do to retaliate has nothing to do with me.

I do hope you enjoy the rest of your summer.

