Saturday, September 17, 2005

Beribu-ribu ampun!

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!

For not updating, for not calling, for not yum char-ing...
For lost phone numbers and lame excuses...
For forgotten birthdays and downright hiding from the world...
For not telling you where I've been, where I am, or where I'm going...
For not asking where you've been, where you are... how ya doin?

I'm just fine. Been really busy, that's all. Lionel came to stay for a few days (and nights). We ate alot. Drove alot. Shopped a little. Watched 2 movies and 2 dvds. We're incredibly unambitious tourists in our own countries, and since the best things in life are free... the best thing to do is arm ourselves with loads of plushy pillows and a duvet and lock ourselves away in an aircond room watching pirated dvds on my laptop. Why can't we do that in London, you ask?

Well... there's no aircond for starters...

The week before was spent in Penang, appeasing both my grandparents and aunty and just trying to keep the peace. Eccentric is just a mild term when it comes to describing my maternal family. And people wonder why I'm like this.

And now I have this ever expanding list of things I have to get done. A US visa being the top priority. After I'd gotten my standard 2 x 2 visa photo taken my mother in all her wisdom noticed that my eyebrows weren't tidy enough and I will have to get them done tomorrow before taking another photo. I'm not entirely sure what the standard requirements for eyebrows are in the US, but I'm more afraid of my mother than the US embassy.

More crazy antics to be posted later. Gotta get this junk heap of a desktop reformatted first.