Monday, September 26, 2005

And the days go by...

45 minute drive to Mantin (Seremban-lah), with Daddy, to see my aunties. Am officially the family's most spoilt niece as am earning much more in angpows in the past 6 weeks than I would have at a deskjob. Why am I working so hard for this degree? I should just spend more time pandering to my aunties and uncles!
Oh yes, I know why. It should have dawned on me earlier. All my elder girl cousins have been married off, and the family has been deprived of wedding celebrations for 3 years now. This for a family that has close to 40 nieces and nephews who get married or remarried at an alarming rate seems almost like a dry spell. It doesn't help that my cousins marry off at an average age of 25! I can feel them sharpening their claws. They are demanding a wedding, and probably a small sacrifice as well. Oh and they don't just want a boring old PJ wedding. What with my cousins getting married in Las Vegas and Melbourne and Timbuktu and the Moon... they were already planning my European wedding and shushing my cries of "but I've got to earn my first million before that!"

So everyone's talking about the great migration back to the land of free rain and cheap beer. In the meantime, I'm being forced into RPM classes and step classes and stretch classes and who knows what else to work off the fats that have greatly accumulated thanks to my 6 week Malaysian diet. (and I don't know a better diet than this!). This week is vanity week. Haircuts, facials, aerobics and shopping. It's the best way to spend quality time with mum. She gets to criticise me and I get everything paid for. Its a win-win situation, always!

Reapplication for US Visa. After Daddy yelled at them abit, and then yelled at them abit more, THEY called me instead today to clarify everything before I return to their big scary iron gates and pleeeead for permission to take a holiday in their country. CL suggested that I give the interviewer who rejected me a big glare after I get my visa. I suggested a few choice hokkien words too!