Saturday, June 03, 2006

and Charlotte does the bi-weekly update thing...

My daddy is in town. So apart from the two-hundred and fifty one things I have to get done, I also have to make sure daddy is spending enough quality time with daughter number one and not suffering too much from hayfever. AH-Choo!! So far, I've followed him to an official headquarters visit, taken him for lunch at Nonya (where Daddy pushed away my credit card) and brought him to my Godmother's for tea and noisy children. My Godma's granddaughters barely make up 5 years of age in total, so I had to excuse the barrage of stickers, whistles and tealeaves-cum-mud "potions" thrown at me the moment the door opened. The children of the world adore me. I wish the feeling was mutual.

I'm currently sitting in the attic, programming a bank. The bank isn't at all interesting, so don't ask. And you read that right. We have an attic. It just nicely fits Lionel's bed, half a tatami mat, a small bedside table, a chest of drawers and a tiny raised landing which Lionel uses as a desk. I'm currently taking up 30% of the space with my laptop. I can't use my room. It's cluttered with all my packing.

Anyway, I just wanted to make a tiny squeak in the blogosphere. It's back to work.