Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Useless Fact #69

You know that Aero advert on tv with the two women speaking with their mouths full? It kinda inspired Lionel to try it. Except that all we had at home was Cadbury Bubbly.
So we each popped a piece into our mouths and waited. About 10 seconds later mine started to, well not POP as in the Aero advert, but fizz.

"Ohh, de bubbers!" I mouthed
"Where got!!! I don't feel any popping!"
"Thwy anoder piefs and pwess id agains de woof of your mouf"
"Nope, nothing"
I swallowed my piece and said "Maybe it's a genetic trait?"

We're just gonna have to get the real deal and try it again. If the bubbles don't pop loudly can we sue for false advertising?