Saturday, March 18, 2006

Asian Boys and other stories

If you haven't made up your mind, I'd reeeeally encourage you to watch Asian Boys tonight. The homophobic squeemishness only lasts for about 20 minutes into the play, but after that you really marvel at the brilliant little plots by Alfian Sa'at and the wealth of gay issues you never knew existed in non-gay Singapore. The actors (and actress) were very convincing, despite some of them actually being straight with the exception of our very own drag queen - Fidel "Stage Whore" Anaya. So if you've got 2 pounds to spare... go to LSE tonight and watch it! Well worth my money. Lets see if Rojak tonight can come a close second.

As for other stories, its great to feel a big sigh of relief wash over me as I can finally stop worrying about wasting away my summer, knowing that I will be spending it cooped up in a little office in Hong Kong. Except for the fact that that office will be carrying the name Goldman Sachs.

And as for more stories - its coming to the end of term. That means 5 weeks to the start of exams. And I'm not sure I've learnt anything at all this year. Prepare for a barrage of study-induced rants littering these pages. I'm not gonna apologise for any of it.

** Later Edit **
Did I forget to wish you a Happy St. Patrick's Day yesterday?

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I wanted a Guinness clover hat but didn't know where to get one.