Saturday, January 07, 2006


This has got to be the most simple and narcissistically fulfulling meme in awhile (tagged by Fidel the neighbourhood quirk).

5 random facts about myself

1. My parents taught me to read at the age of one, tell the time at the age of 2 and paint still life with crayons and water colours at the age of 4. My cousin who was a year older couldn't read till she was 7. Guess who was the little family favourite?
(Don't get me wrong though, I love my cousin to bits and followed her everywhere!)

2. I think roses are pretentious. My favourite flower is a carnation which is my late grandmother's favourite.

3. When I was 16, I fell in love with restoring heritage buildings on a visit to the Cheung Fatt Tze mansion in Penang. I still believe I will one day help to restore the ruins of Suffolk House - built by Francis Light for his common law wife. Many romantic paintings of it hang in the Penang Museum, although right now it looks like something out of Jungle Book!

4. I have a motion sickness problem related to my hearing. In the evenings passing cars and loud noises scare me and I can't stand when I'm on the tube unless I absolutely have to.

5. In 20 years I hope to be able to have enough power (and money) to revamp the entire Malaysian Public Library system to one which will not only contain books of a higher standard (I say 'higher' so as not to offend the current government administration who often think of themselves as perfect demi-gods) where preferably more than half of them will be in English (the books, not the demi-gods) with credible authors and not just half torn Nancy Drew books that were dumped at the library steps when the kids left home. I also envision a Public Library that will become a centre of wholesome activities for young children and impressionable teenagers who believe 'c u 8ter u knnccbbbq' is a sentence. I don't know what bbq is. Amar came up with it.
And I haven't been drinking. Promise!

And I shall tag - EVERYBODY!!! I'm not choosy.