Wednesday, January 25, 2006

In times of duress Charl reverts to Manglish (the one where she speaks English and her coursemates don't understand)

Yalah! I know lah! It's been very quiet around here and it's probably because I'm lazy to do a proper post with proper photos and etc, sans the whining about deadlines and workload stress.

But on a whim, after a hell-raising week, I decided I had had enough and spent 2 hours making onde-onde. I know the picture looks lovely, but they didn't turn out like that! You want to know why? Because Lionel refused to go back to the shops and get green food dye! So I ended up with a box of white puffy snowballs, which didn't look too bad actually and tasted quite good, until we put them into the fridge overnight and they became rock hard. Next time I'll dye 'em pink.

Monday was a real treat. I woke up at 6.30 just to get to Sandip's place in time to be driven all the way to Farnborough by 9.30 for the IBM Business Challenge Semifinals. We didn't win, but I discovered my talents lie in inspiring holographic handphones, building paper warships, drawing logos and creating and directing a sketch in 20 minutes. My talents for business? Zero!

Right, I'd love to chat more but there's this seriously jialat Control lab report to write up which out of 25 pages I have only finished about 5 half empty ones. Here's to the late nights and mugs of coffee! Jia You!

p/s: I was at West End last night watching Chicago. All that jazz!!! Dayaamm... I miss peforming, or organising performances. Here lies a sorely retired Malaysian Night scriptwriter/creativeconsultant/publicitymanageress wishing we could relive the fun moments one more time (you know without all the yelling over rehearsals and prima donna attitudes and post midnight emergency phonecalls)