Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I know I worry too much. I've been trying to scare myself with the fact that fretting makes you age faster, but that's not working all too well now that I'm worrying myself to death about wrinkles and white hair.

So, on my list of latest worries, I'm worried that I haven't got the right stuff to wear for my Andalucian Dream Adventure. And why should I be fretting about this? Firstly, it's a burn-me-to-a-crisp 36 degrees in Seville. I have been mentally unloading my wardrobe (mentally, because the obsessive compulsive in me would like my clothes to stay in neat piles) and the only things made for all 36 degrees of heat is my hot pants, which Lionel said I can't wear as we shouldn't attempt to attract unwanted attraction. Secondly, I would like to look nice on a holiday for once. For the past few trips I've been bundled up in no less than 3 layers of woolies and cardies and what-nots. So for once (and especially with Lionel's new Nikon D70s) I would like to have pictures where I look like I'm really having a holiday and not trying to win
ba zhang of the year award.
What's a ba zhang? This is a ba zhang.

Once the holidays are over, I'll have to start worrying about looking for a place for the next academic year. We're going house viewing tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed. Now that Yi Shan is moving out, we've become a household of 3. The 'tua chee' doesn't really count, I suppose. The highest priority seems to be to look for a place with a TV. One year of deprivation is too much torture to inflict on these guys.

Then I'm starting to worry about the next academic year and what's in store. This time last year I at least knew that I had an entire club to run and activities to see through. But next year, it's a whole new clean slate. I have nothing to expect. Nothing to occupy my mind!

Oh, I have told a falsehood. I have a melancholic script that has been writing itself in my head since I started revising for exams. Oh there, I lie again. I have had
two different stories writing itself in my head. It's like a niggling dream, which I had to tell myself to snap out off for awhile. But now that exams are over, the entire stage play is forming itself in my head. Oh sure, only after M-nite and during exams do my creative juices really start to churn! Could I not have had this luck while I was writing the M-nite script? Anyhow, I think I will turn it into a short story over time. That should keep me relatively busy all summer.

I'm spouting too much rubbish. I should get back to unwritten Matlab programs, and deciphering phenomes. If I have one absolutely terrible failing, it's procrastinating too much!