Friday, May 20, 2005

Just a year ago I wrote this:

macro proc CodeToSummer(sunshine, flowers, &summerloving)
hitch up those skirts
and in flimsy flip flops
or thongs
blatant on your feet
discretely beneath sheer clothes
run to lectures
past the wilting bluebells
forgotten in the bloom
of the red red roses
the daffodils have had their day
and now the tulips have come out to play
and the grass has never felt this great
as frisbees fly overhead
and the smell of barbecues
pulls me away from my books
} while (the sun is shining);
snuggle under my plump duvet
peek out at the falling raindrops
breathe in the fresh eau de summer
even in this faded English city
the sun never sets
undaunted by rainclouds
they don't get a chance
not in summer
just as my notes
don't stand a chance of being read
not in summer
as they flutter in the breeze
} while (summer rains are a pouring);
if (autumn should come) then
{perhaps it'll be time to take a break from this summer spell}
{i'll just enjoy this summer loving!}

I could do with some of that summer right about now!
The weather this year is just too cold for its own good. You know it is when you still have to scamper around the house in search of warmer areas until you figure it's best to just snuggle under a duvet!