Wednesday, May 18, 2005

It's a brilliantly sunny, blue sky-ed morning. I've been working on a problem sheet since 8.30am and only noticed the beautiful weather now (time check: 10.40am). I'm in such an awful blur. That's what you get when you've spent 15 minutes trying to work out a question on Middle Earth and all it's species for Software Engineering. Apparently the Fellowship of the Ring has an immense wealth of class associations. Not like it should be a surprise to me, after all - geeky software engineering teachers and Lord of the Rings always walk hand-in-hand. Brings to mind Jason Fox of Foxtrot.

Ignoring all the above blather.
Today I shall vow to study until noon.
At least.
Without any distractions.

It's torture to just concentrate on work for even more than an hour!

Alright, if I make it till noon... I will... erm... pass all my papers!!!