Sunday, May 29, 2005

The exam period has come to a temporary standstill for now. I have an itsy bitsy break to study for Math and Language Processors while the EEE people toil over Power, Fields and Devices and curse the ISE people lolling about enjoying their peace.

Sometimes I wonder what gets me through exam times here. I seem to hover around aimlessly like a cloud with no wind to guide it, while back in JC, I was frustrated to the max and at my books from the crack of dawn till the lights in the study room were turned off and all I had to fuel my drive was the fear of my escalating stupidity and Charme and Sherene.

I'm feeling a sudden nostalgic 'home-sickness' for the days when we'd gather in the cold boarding school study room in our varied colourful pyjamas, with a pile of notes so high, armed with no less than 10 past year papers. I miss the "Good BRAINS" notes, Charme slipped me before A-Level Maths. When I jump around before my exams and Vidu and David tell me to stop looking so nervous because I look like a petrified hamster, I wish I was holding hands and jumping while chanting the '4 As, S-Paper Distinction and GP A1' mantra with Charme and Sherene, like we did every night before A levels. 2 thirds of us didn't achieve it, but that's besides the point. It really made me feel like there was a goal and I knew which way to shoot.

Right now, I know there's a goal, but I don't seem to know which side of the field it is. I'm getting distracted by every little thing, until Lionel puts on that disapproving tone and I'm back at my notes for another 15 minutes more before something else catches my eye. My attention span is as bad as Charme's was back in JC. Hehe...

These exams are probably more important than A Levels and yet I don't seem to be giving much of a hoot about it. I'm taking last year's achievements for granted.

I will be kicking myself at the end of it all.

Why do I always, ALWAYS, do this!