Friday, September 05, 2003

Reasons why life is good:

1. I'm getting 3 free lunches in 3 days! (Wed: Secret Recipe Lunch on Li Ling, Thurs: Lobster Lunch on lovely department supervisors and American visitor with limitless credit card, Fri: Department lunch some where expensive on big big boss from Motorola America)
2. On your last day of work, everyone is incredibly nice to you and instantly forgets that you took leave to visit your boyfriend on the day when they needed you most!
3. Boss told me to write own recommendation letter, and didn't even bother to correct all egotistical and immodest self praises
4. Discovered lovely lovely P2P telephony (Skype) so can make free phonecalls to mummy, boyfriend and friends anywhere in the world on very clear connections thus saving on many many IDD cards. But first must convince mummy that broadband is really worth it.


Countdown: t = 20 days
I haven't packed! I haven't packed! I haven't packed!
And tommorow I am heading up to the Pearl of the Orient (Penang lah!) to visit grandpa and grandma and get my last fill of the BEST Malaysian food!
I'll be back on Wednesday. Promise to attend all gatherings, free lunches and mamak sessions after that!


[very belated edit]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUN LING!!! *Hugs* I'm so glad you can't be angry with me long over something small like forgetting your birthday... ok, I'm kidding!