Tuesday, July 22, 2003

And just after I told Daryan that I swear I've been blogging consistently... I find I have no time to blog, or rather nothing to say. There's been a hell lot of interesting stuff in the papers lately, but I haven't had the time to peruse it carefully as I used to, back in the old days (ok... 2 weeks ago!) when I had perfectly good mornings to waste lying in bed instead of collecting data in an astronaut suit in a cold lab.
I had an absolutely packed... and fattening... weekend. Beginning with friday night, when Greg arrived after travelling 7 hours at the crowded out and sleazy Pudu Raya station (on the way home, we discovered the existence of University Kuala Lumpur. "Huh?" you say? Well, of course no one knows about it... it's only lit up at night!) and feasted on crabs, satay and yee meen. Woke up the next morning at the bright and early hour of 9am (that's early for Greg... the OCS guy... *shrug*) and straight away drove to O&S for a breakfast of Curry Laksa, Popiah, Chee Cheong Fun and Indian Rojak. Then went to USJ Giant to make an appearance at the Brat's Charity (and was only outshone by VJ Sarah Tan). Met an amazing amount of people I never knew were Brats, new Brats and downright ancient Brats. It's amazing that the car tyres could still hold our weight as we drove to Bangsar Shopping Centre to visit Charm, who was teaching knee-high people (they're called kids, Charlotte, KIDS!) to fold Origami birds and houses. I had a long and intense conversation with an 8 yr old about Barbie dolls, before we proceeded (sans Charm) to have lunch at Esquire Kitchen (Pau with Ma Poh Taufu, Sze Chuan fried Eggplant and Fried Chicken with Onion Rings. Charl - Yum! Yum!, Greg - Eggplant???!!! You know you're going to be finishing that up by yourself, right?). Then we rescued Charm from the pint-size... oh alright... KIDS... and went down to Strudels to eat... Apple Strudel (duh!). After going to church (to thank God for delicious Malaysian food that is better than Singaporean fare, anyday!) my entire family went to Sri Hartamas to try out a new restaurant, Suasana, that serves Lamb Goulash Masala (??!!). Not bad, really. But still think the stuff in Desa Sri Hartamas is funkier. After pigging out all day, what was going to stop us for having dim sum at Tai Thong for brunch the next day? After brunch, was dropped off at Midvalley... which for all its massiveness, hasn't really got much to buy. We ended up at Pets Wonderland, which is more of a mini zoo than a shop (how does it survive???). Then at 4pm, we ended up at the SS2 Secret Recipe for tea with Sugi and Michelle... and stayed there eating Oreo cheesecake and gossiping (Greg says the girls were bitching... but we like to think of it as an exchange of ideas) till almost 7:30pm. Went back home to mum's big feast of Assam Fish and Prawns, Grilled Pork Ribs, Mushroom Chicken Feet and Jack Fruit! Stuffed, stuffed, stuffed! Its great to feel absolutely Garfield-like and hoping that a meteorite will land on the Motorola plant so I wouldn't have to go to work the next day. But things I wish for usually don't come true. (*I wish for XK to be smart, charming and handsome*).
Well, Greg's back in Spore, and it's not my fault if he's looking rotund... I didn't force him to eat anything...
And it's back to work for me... time to don the awful smock again and go measure the accuracy of ball placements. Bah!