Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Let me grow old in peace...

I cannot keep up with this! What on earth possessed me to supervise barely 19 year olds who are testing their limits with every vice on earth? (God, if there is anything I want more - except for my aunty to be cured of cancer, and maybe for Lionel's PhD to be approved, oh and maybe for peace on earth... it would be for not a single fresher to empty his or her stomach contents onto any space of floor on my landing while I'm still the re-app in charge).

I was working behind the bar tonight, with Alex, and totally winning at Dai Dee. Sorry, Jason, if you ever read this - you so totally got owned! And really that's all I was doing, but I'm completely beat! Back in the glorious days of my first year, being on duty at the bar was soooo much fun. True there was actual alcohol in the bar back then and there was a lot more work to be done and not a moment to stand still and watch the world go by, but I never felt this tired and drained.

Now I'm conceding to the fact that I'm old, 4 years older than most of these kids. And I just want to get my subscription for a pair of new tortoise shell glasses and shuffle into my carpet slippers and grow old in peace...

(expect whiny, ranty posts from now on...)