Sunday, October 15, 2006

Charlotte is a happy yellow ducky

Did I mention that regardless of my many nights of prayer for a puke-free landing, one of my freshers still had the audacity to vomit on my landing? Thankfully it was in his room and not the corridor, but still the stench of regurgitated salmon lingers on.

I'm cooking again and that makes me happy. (There are also only 4 days more before Lionel gets here, and that makes me even happier, but lets focus on the little things for now). I persuaded my freshers to let me cook claypot chicken rice for them because it's damn hard to cook something nice for just one person. I, hands-in-the-air, white-flag-raised, cannot do it! It seems a strange concept to persuade people to let me cook for them. It's usually the other way around.

I'll be off to Geneva on Thursday with Lionel and family. We're fearing the worst of the weather. Anyone who's been to Geneva has any tips? Nic Osman said I should go see the longest bench in the world. They're apparently big on bench construction in Geneva. Then I'll be off to Paris on Sunday where the Parisien ISE bunch (Hugo, Adam, Hai and Kunal) are. See, I kept my promise when I said I'd come visit you. I didn't think it'd be this soon either!

And then it'll be graduation day and everyone will be back and we'll sit on queens lawn, some in gowns, some not, and wonder how time rushed by us so fast. wonder if we'd have made it this far without each other. wonder where all of us will go from here.

Just in case you're wondering, the title to this post has absolutely no meaning at all. In the mean time, I'm going to get back to my cooking in the kitchen. Wheeee!!