Friday, April 15, 2005

Mails for MSoc rarely come my way these days, but sometimes one or two ignorant senders do happen to think I'm still the MSoc secretary and today I received this from the Majlis Syura Muslimun UK & Eire, which is possibly the stupidest request I ever heard.


MSM is planning to forward a Press Statement representing all UK malaysian societies (NGOs, student societies, malaysian societies) to the relevant parties, hopefully this Tuesday. The issue is to raise concern and to oppose the proposal by Sisters in Islam and "Jawatankuasa Kaukus Parlimen" which will be very detrimental to the Muslim in Malaysia.

We believe that even though we are all in the UK, we should voice our stand as it will impact our lives and family especially when we go back to Malaysia.

As such, I call upon all societies to join us in this issue. We all should stand together regardless of differences, if any. The draft press release is being finalised and all societies are invited to support it. We will include your relevant societies details at the end of the press release if you agree.

The sample of draft press release will be uploaded to our newly launced MSM Weblog by tomorrow night. Please have a read at:

If you agree to include your societies details as to support our stand, please email to both of my email addresses ( and the following:

---- Irrelevant details section deleted to facillitate reading (dulcinea) ----

I do hope to receive your positive response, if possible by Monday midnight.

Thank you

on behalf of Majlis Syura Muslimun UK & Eire

Zifri Baharudin

---- Contact details deleted (dulcinea) ----

Dijangkakan, sekurang-kurangnya 10,000 orang umat Islam akan berhimpun di Masjid Kg. Baru, sebagai menyatakan bantahan terhadap tuntutan dan keangkuhan Sisters In Islam dan Jawatankuasa Kaukus Parlimen yang mana antara intipati tuntutan mereka adalah;

1. Menuntut agar Undang-undang yang bertujuan mengawal moral masyarakat dimansuhkan termasuklah semua undang-undang diperingkat Kebangsaan, Negeri dan kerajaan Tempatan.
2. Menuntut agar kuasa Mufti-mufti dikaji dan dihapuskan.
3. Menuntut agar kerajaan mengiktiraf kebebasan beragama dalam Negara ini, dalam erti kata lain membenarkan Umat Islam yang ingin keluar dari Islam mengistiharkan kermurtadan mereka secara terbuka tanpa campurtangan Mahkamah Syariah.
4. Mendesak agar pihak Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara menghapuskan pernyataan status Agama dalam kad pengenalan, bagi memudahkan Umat Islam mengsistiharkan Kemurtadan mereka.
5. Membenarkan agama lain memberikan pandangan dan mempersoalkan cara hidup dan akidah umat Islam melalui cadangan mereka menubuhkan Majlis Perundingan Antara Agama (ICM).
6. Mendesak agar pihak Jabatan Agama tidak campurtangan dalam urusan peribadi Umat Islam di Malaysia termasuklah dalam tatacara berpakaian, pergaulan dan cara hidup, walaupun ianya bertentangan dengan hukum Islam seperti tidak menutup aurat, tidak bersembahyang dan berpuasa atau melakukan maksiat seperti judi, minum arak dan zina atas dasar menjaga hak asasi manusia.

Sorry that I wasn't able to translate it, but for those of you who understand just enough Malay, you'd be just as baffled as I am. Here is a society whose members have been educated abroad, exposed to different cultures, backgrounds and religions (I hope, unless they have been abiding by 'kampung syndrome' rules) and yet are ready to oppose freer and fairer ruling in Malaysia without the intervention of Islamic laws in our multi-racial, multi-religious community.

I also thought it seemed a little silly to call for such an urgent press conference without giving any real references that the claims above were true. So I did my own little research and found even more baffling and downright ridiculous news articles (like this one: Harakah Daily). When, when, WHEN will my country be free from such oppressive zealots? Who claim that the fall of morality in our society is due to our laws not being restrictive enough. That only the laws of Islam will be able to cultivate a perfectly moral society. Funny enough that almost every case of rape in the news for the past few years has been committed by a Muslim. Repression and oppression has never worked and never will. Am I going to watch my country's laws change from humanitarian to ultra-utilitarian? Please, no!