Sunday, December 12, 2004

Oh the pinkiness...

If you didn't see this coming... I don't know what to say.

All the cotton candy pinkiness and soft marshmallow fluff of the Christmas season must be kicking in.


We went to Hamleys today, Lu, Lionel and I. If you don't count having to wait at the doors as batches of customers were let in every 10 minutes (due to security reasons), Hamleys is like a Wonderland for any age. Lu and Lionel got to ogle at die cast models, F1 cars and miniatures... while I had to be pulled away from the Barbie doll section (read deprived childhood - I only owned 2 Barbie dolls, of which my sister decapitated both). As we were actually at Hamleys on a mission (to find presents for Lionel's little niece and nephew) we scoured every floor for suitable toys (I suspect it was more out of wanting to be little kids ourselves and playing with everything rather than searching for gifts). We eventually ended up at the Bear Factory, where I got to make 2 teddy bears and put hearts in each of them. I really wanted to make a labrador puppy, but neither Lu nor Lionel thought it looked cute enough... and personally I believe no puppy can be cuter than Dewy! He'd be really jealous of a new puppy, I'm quite sure of that!

Both the Emperor's Gate households had dinner at Garfunkels later courtesy of Lu's dad. Thank you, uncle! Amar had to miss it due to his unfortunate timing of being on a plane heading back to Malaysia. (Btw, Amar, a slice of your Panetone is still sitting in the kitchen... and your Geisha and carrot videos are spreading around the Emperor's Gate network like wild fire).

And now that I'm done with this splurge of pink, it's back to lab reports...