Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Blogger ate yesterday's blog. Buggy blogger.

Whenever I think my government cannot sink any lower in ridiculous ideas, they come up with National Service to prove me wrong.
[Looks up into the heavens and wails: Why, God? Why???]
As I read through the NS outline in The Star (National Service for 18-year-olds to start in February) I just cannot accept that my poor brother has a 1 in 5 chance of being subjected to this idiotic jab at restoring patriotism in the young. Please, please, give me something to believe that the government is NOT run by hare-brained poofs!
The more I think about it, the more I cannot accept that something as major as National Service is being implemented without any justification. To quote the Defence Minister, Najib (the guy who totally screwed up the Education Ministry by doing close to nothing!) : Malaysia’s National Service Programme (is)different from those implemented in other countries because its main thrust (is) to promote national unity, and not for defence purposes.
I know I'm not very logical most of the time, but even I know that 3 months in what looks like summer camp is NOT going to promote national unity anymore than 11-13 years of national education! And how do we know that the 100,000 selected guinea pigs are right for NS? If the objective of NS is not for defence purposes, why are they going to be taught to handle guns and other fire-arms? And what about the compensation for loss of education during those 3 months? And this country doesn't have the adequate facilities for National Service, do they not realise that deaths have occured in National Service? Are the instructors qualified to handle these young children barely out of teenhood? And the flaming idiocy of it all is that our country is too proud to ask any other country for assistance. Not even Singapore who has been running National Service successfully for decades (although I'm not sure how successfully since some slut plays warcraft 3 from 9-5 everyday).
I know 15 guys who are very dear to me who are currently serving National Service in Singapore. I don't see them anymore patriotic then when they were in junior college, unless they are picking on me for being Malaysian. Even Greg, who tells me every 20 minutes "Do you know why NS is good for you?", balks at the idea of NS in Malaysia.
It. Just. Won't. Work.
How can something like this work when it has been drafted out in a matter of months?
No that isn't the point.
The point is that it's baseless! It's just NOT JUSTIFIED!!!