Thursday, March 01, 2007

Emperor's Gate - A photo montage

Being back at Emperor's Gate last week for Chongka's birthday was so nostalgic, I had to dig up the old photos. When Emperor's Gate was my own cosy little corner with the big kitchen!
It's like walking down memory lane...

I present to you, and it's current occupants:
Emperor's Gate - A photo montage tribute

[left photo of pillars, courtesy of Jac of the Flat 2, Emperor's Gate fame]

Moving in day. Marvin gets stuck in a household mop box. Also the day we eventually realised how my laptop got stolen!

Flat 1 used to house a strange collection of household pets which we became rather attached to, including the Bobs.

The soft toys in my room, including Dewy, Pingu and Yaya

Xiao ya

Bob I

Bob II - whom we grew so fond of, he joined us for dinner everyday and we could never bear to use it to garnish our Mee Siam

And the official 'Bring Maomao to London fund'. Flat 1 really did their best!

The kitchen was probably my favourite place in the flat. It was MY kingdom where I ruled supreme

And the kitchen really was quite spotless most of the time

And food was always in abundance! Oh alright, this one was an exception - for Chinese New Year 2005

The things I love best, lilies... and my kitchen! Oh and Lionel who's standing behind, of course!

The other rooms were just... okay...
Like the bathroom:
And the back rooms where Yi Shan built his Great Wall of China from a mountain of past year papers

I loved the cool dark corridors and the little hallway where Amar emptied half a bottle of champagne on me after MNite and had to mop everything up!

But second to the kitchen, I loved my room! With it's huge floor space and our inflatable sofa for watching TV on and my woven tatami mat for studying under fleece blankets on!

Lionel thought this would make a very funny family portrait of all the Emperor's Gate pets!

I just can't use a desk to study...
It's an organised mess!

But at the end of the day, Emperor's gate was about

the people...

The neighbours...

The occasional honorary house-member...

And the silly things we did...

It was home, for awhile...