Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Empty nest syndrome

The freshers have gone off to Paris and Italy, leaving me in blissful peace.

A little too peaceful I might say.

I really should be studying, and the weather is just perfect for studying mode - bright and sunny making me feel energetic and motivated to open a book and finally understand adaptive filters! I've even organised all my notes and printed most of the past year papers. I'm all geared up to study, but the silence and lack of human company is awful!

I guess I'll have to ask Lance to go swimming with me tomorrow just to be able to talk to a real life person.


In other news - Noelle successfully contacted me on msn this morning, after prior attempts which failed due to London and Melbourne being in polar opposite timezones. She's getting married next June!!! Ah, the first one of us to fall (in a good way!), and although it comes as little surprise as it's romance-enthusiast Noelle, this is really exciting! Sri Amanian's are looking around and thinking "Who's next?". I've suggested Sugania time and time again, but she's fussy and doesn't wanna accept any old arranged marriage to a millionaire Brahmin who owns 5 IT companies in India. Even if he makes good chutney. And don't look at me, girls. You know Charlotte is synonymous with ambition, career and power suits. She didn't spend 4 years becoming an engineer to throw it away and start picking out curtains and pink champagne colour combinations for coffee tables (like the best housewives do *cough*CL*cough*)

On the other hand, Iylia's talks of picking out wedding dresses and booking hotels are starting to monopolise most of our girly talk when the girls are in the EE labs. It's fun to talk about all this planning, especially when it isn't yours and you don't have to fork out the money! And as Iylia says "who cares what Izat thinks, the bride is the most important on that day!" leaving the guys to roll their eyes at us. Iylia's setting her date for the end of December. My diary's getting full with all these arrangements. Now I have a reason to buy nice cocktail dresses and white shoes!


On to the weather. It strangely touched 18 degrees today. I wonder if it's as sunny in Paris and in Italy?