Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The end of the beginning or the beginning of the end?

The end of term is just a short 3 days away. As usual, I haven't started revising anything. So many things to procrastinate, so little time.

I've added back blog links on the right but I'm missing a whole lot of links because I've lost my old template for good. Give me a holler if I've missed yours. This Guy, you've changed your blog address so many times... I've given up remembering it.

If all goes well with Lionel's interviews, I'll be popping over to Chicago for a short holiday during Easter. Yay! If all doesn't go well, I still get to stay in London and do stuff... I guess.

These few weeks have been very trying, but at the same time quite self-gratifying. It's nice to know you have so many friends who care when you thought you had none. I still miss the old people though. More than ever now! Nevertheless... cheesecakes all around, when Christina finds me some Oreos! You can't find Oreos in London! Believe me, I spent half a Saturday trying.

It's really reeeeeally cold now. The middle of March just decided to go all frosty on us! *shiver*