Saturday, March 05, 2005

It snowed very prettily this morning
As I stepped out of my door
Blurry eyed at 8.45am
Hair uncombed
Clothes pulled on in haste
Reciting demodulation steps under my breath
Coherant demodulators
Minimum Shift Keying
M-nite at the back of my mind
Like a stubborn tumour

And then there was snow

Coating the cars in blankets
Frosting the walkways
Lightly dusting the bushes and grass
And even the stone lions guarding the Queen's tower
were given a delicate topping of icing sugar
And the continuous flakes falling out of the sky
Creating random white patterns

on my black black coat
and on my black black hair
and my black black bag
And tingled my senses
A few infidel flakes
Slithering down the white of my uncovered throat

Snow makes me feel poetic
I wonder why...