Wednesday, October 22, 2003

This is a crime.
I'm publishing a post for the sake of it.
I should be shot.
But at least this will stop some particular people (Yeah! I mean YOU!!!) from complaining that I don't update my blog often enough.
What do you really want me to say?

**/ Today I was late for Computer Architecture lecture. I had to sit on the steps and poor Kuna who was late too had to uncomfortably share notes with me on the steps. Then I had my favourite lecture: Software Engineering I, with my favourite buffy fanatic lecturer - Jeremy Pitts. Fell asleep while he was talking about boolean logic, woke up, answered a question wrongly and fell back asleep much to Yi Shan's amusement... probably. Had pizza for lunch and then proceeded to a torturous 3 hour Elec. Lab. Wrestled with oscilloscope and was close throwing it at someone's head in fit of frustration at not being able to produce the right square wave/**

Look, I'm an engineering student. I do not lead a particularly interesting life... engineering is synonymous with watching butter melt. So excuse me when I come back from classes and deny you the pleasure of knowing what particular Delphi programme is developing in my mind (which when actually typed onto the actual Delphi 7 environment never works quite as well).

Bah... I'm going to write a long belated mass mail to everyone now. Right... unleash stress on beloved malaysian and singapore residing friends!