Saturday, December 09, 2006

Weekend update...

I'm so busy, and yet I'm giving an update on why I'm so busy. You can skip this one if you were looking for a post with more substance. If you were looking for a blog with more substance, you are clearly in the wrong place. Check out the links on the right.

Amidst the end of term rush, I sacrificed all dignity I had to be a punching bag for the juniors in my accounting group (who are so proud of handing in our report 5 FULL MINUTES before the deadline). Perhaps if there had been less hijacking of my msn and less raunchy emails sent out involving cheesecake and meeting ON pool tables, we could have handed in our report 5 FULL HOURS ahead of the deadline. Oh well, if it was more fun to torture me, so be it.

Anyway, we ended off the week with the EESoc Christmas dinner - an evening of turkey, chocolate fountains and cheesy disco music. The highlight of the night must have been dimunitive Prof Cheung standing on two chairs to give his speech. That or the macarena. The night would have ended on a good note, if only I wasn't cornered at the cloakroom by a drunk Greek who harangued me with questions about whether I thought gays were normal. And because I wouldn't agree to his opinion that gays were infact abnormal... he proceeded to accuse me of being "westernised" and changing my way of thinking because I am now living in London... then I got accused of wanting to follow the great Western idea of secularism and that the Chinese have no concept of God's will that gays be segregated from society.

That pissed me off. Firstly because, I refuse to be associated with Chinese thinking. I am not from China. I'm Malaysian. I do not support secularism, in fact I grew up in a country with so many religions if you threw a stone you'd hit a mosque or a temple. Secondly, I am far from being westernised! I am as Asian as they come and believe in the rising of the Asian superpower that will kick America's ass. And lastly, if you hold such venomous hatred for gays - you are probably insecure about your own sexuality and hide it behind your pretentious hold on religion.
Moving on. Today was the OSC world cup. I witnessed a mini war brewing between Iraq and Iran and then Spain and Iran. Such hotbloodedness on the pitch.

Time to get going to Wei Kiat's birthday dinner anyway.

Incoherence... is that a word?