Thursday, June 14, 2007

Printed, Bound and Submitted

There was supposed to be this feeling of ecstatic celebration, like fireworks, like a burst of confetti.

But all I feel is the aftermath of a headache that has just only subsided. I'm not proud of myself, I probably did the worst project in my entire life. It only proves how much of an academic I am not! No, I will never do a PhD. It would be much too painful to subject me to that torture again.

So four years of engineering is drawing to a close, and I'm just as unsure about engineering as when I started. Clearly I abhor research and I have no creativity for design. I liked applying the goobledygook I learnt to programming mostly, but I'm not much of a software engineer. I like signals and telcos and I could live with that for most of my life. But I suspect there is a much bigger picture to this engineering business that I'm just not seeing. That I just can't see yet. It's me and yet not me.

Now that I've packed up my report, it's time to start on my room. Starting with my cooking utensils. It's so sad to put them into a box and say goodbye.