Thursday, June 07, 2007

News of the world... and all that goss...

Yesterday was an interesting day in terms of fulfilling my gossip quota. This girl is after all gossip/pat-kua/kaypoh central.

The first story wasn't so much gossip as congratulatory news. Congratulations to my ex-coursemate Asa and his wife, my ex high schoolmate, Awanis on the birth of their new baby Azalea! Such a pretty name!

And following more baby news is the one we're awaiting from my seniors Hawa and Kolget. Will keep an eye on that.

And in other less joyful news, while chatting with an old primary school classmate, I discovered the shocking news that an old friend/schoolmate/pri-school mortal enemy had a sex video of hers leaked all over the internet. Apparently all the buzz was in Australia and word never reached Malaysian shores... until now. *ahem* And of course it is now being passed on by vile word of mouth, from girlfriend to girlfriend. The only rather comical part of this is that, being girls none of us know where to start searching for this video. Or as one girlfriend said: "I wonder what keywords you'd have to type into Google to find it? It's not like I regularly search for porn"

Finally at the end of the day, after a round of late night badminton, I arrived back in my room to find my msn blinking furiously. Apparently Iylia couldn't wait to gossip about our Prime Minister's new bride! Iylia and I don't talk politics. We gossip about it like two makciks at the market!

Oh well, it's a brand new day. Let's see what other interesting gossip lies in store for me.